Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Design Ancestor Examples for After the Exam

Here are two very simple examples of Design Ancestors:

This is the design for which I am seeking ancestors.

Here is Ancestor 1:
This one is directly related as it provides the visual and the concept for the later work.  This is a poster for the original movie "Endless Summer" that was made in 1964 or thereabouts (you need to be more accurate).  The movie is about a group of guys traveling the world in search of the perfect wave.  Thus we have a great deal of the content in the modern design shown above.  

But the new design shows some changes and here is a possible ancestor:
This is the sign on the southern edge of Las Vegas that has become a trademark of the city.  It demonstrates strong use of the diamond shape which is the added element in the modern work above.  It also has strong associations with the 1960s which connects its use in the final poster as well, "Searching since '64."

Here is a second example of design ancestors:
I am hoping that at least one of the ancestors for this piece is obvious to you already so here it is:
Andy Warhol did a number of these silk screen repetitive pieces of famous people.  This is a clear predecessor to the work above with added notion that Photoshop made the modern piece a lot easier to do.

Now here is a second possible ancestor to the modern work above:
It might have been possible to choose any portrait as an ancestor of the modern work but this photograph is particularly relevant because it has the feeling of a self-shot self portrait of a photographer and it includes the camera in the shot.  So there is a logical connection between this photo which pre-dates the work shown above.

In your presentation you will need to give specific information about each image, the modern and the historical.  

Your images and their ancestors do not have to come from anything shown in class.

You will not have a lot time so you need to show us the modern work, then show us two works that you believe have the possibility of being ancestors to that work.  They may have provided some ideas or inspiration.  You need to make a few logical arguments for their connection even though the relationship may be obvious.

Be sure to post your questions as comments to this post.

Attendance will be taken on both days so you are expected to come to class and support your fellow students.

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